-- check the dispatch list for assest that have arrived
set netDoneListCount = count( pDispatchedListURL ) + count( pWaitingList )
if pDebug = TRUE then
put "Assets remaining to process:" netDoneLIstCount
end if
return netDoneListCount
on getBehaviorDescription
return ¼
"Preloads a file from the internet to the disk cache so it can be used later without a download delay. Loads the file while the current movie continues playing. After an item is preloaded, it can be displayed immediately because it is taken from the local browserÆs cache rather than from the network. "& RETURN & ¼
"ò Channel Number of Field - this is the field that will contain the list"
-- of URL's that are to be preloaded. Use the Score channel number of the field.
-- "Debug" - If TRUE, status lines will print to the message window.
-- "AutoLoad URL" - If set to "AutoLoad", a preloadNetThing will be performed on
-- the URL provided in the next property field. If set to "Manual", you will need
-- to perform the gotoNetPage operation yourself.
-- "Target URL" - if AutoLoad is set, a gotoNetPage operation will be performed